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FAA Practical Test Standards - Private Pilot, PPC and WSC

  • This is a free download of FAA-S-8081-32, "Practical Test Standards for Private Pilot, Powered Parachute and Weight-Shift Control."
  • The Practical Test Standards (PTS) are a guide for students, instructors, and FAA-designated examiners to know what is expected of pilots during the practical test (checkride).
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Product Description

Practical Test Standards for Private Pilot, Powered Parachute and Weight-Shift Control.

This is a free download of FAA-S-8081-32, "Practical Test Standards for Private Pilot, Powered Parachute and Weight-Shift Control."

The Practical Test Standards (PTS) are a guide for students, instructors, and FAA-designated examiners to know what is expected of pilots during the practical test (checkride). PTS are written by the FAA and detail the type and levels of skills and knowledge that must be demonstrated before an examiner can issue a certificate or rating to an applicant. These documents also describe background and reference materials.

The PDF can be saved to your hard drive and viewed onscreen for quick reference, or printed with a standard 8.5 x 11 printer.

Paul's Recommendation

Paul Hamilton, CFI, DPE

Paul Hamilton
Filmmaker, Flight Instructor, Author


For all student pilots getting ready for the Sport Pilot airplane, trike, and powered parachute checkride (practical test) and Designated Pilot Examiners giving the checkrides.


These are the FAA practical test standards that must be demonstrated during a checkride by Sport Pilots flying airplanes, trikes, and powered parachutes. This guide contains the FAA requirements while the answers are provided in the Sport Pilot Checkride book and/or Private Oral Exam Guide.


These standards are typically presented and reviewed during the ground school and flight training after the student has soloed in preparation for the checkride.


This guide is used primarily for the Sport Pilot checkride and proficiency checks during pre flight planning and post flight review.


This guide is very helpful when reviewing a student or CFI applicant's progress and proficiency in meeting the standards required by the FAA.

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